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Welcome to the Tointon Institute

My name is Janet Alcorn, and I am the Director of the Tointon Institute for Educational Change. I want to welcome you to the Tointon Institute and invite you to learn more about our programs. As a former elementary principal myself, I feel strongly that professional development for educators is of crucial importance if we are to be successful in educating our children by remaining current in our knowledge base and practices ourselves. At the Tointon Institute for Educational Change, we provide professional development opportunities for principals, assistant principals and teachers. Our residential academies are characterized by open inquiry, in-depth analysis and innovative delivery. Many of the finest educators and staff developers in the state and in the nation make up our cadre of presenters and facilitators. 

In the state of Colorado alone, over 1,200 educators have attended our academies. Many claim that their participation in our program was one of the finest professional development experiences in their lifetime as educators. All leave our academies with an expanded knowledge base, a network of professionals with whom many maintain contact for years after the academy, and an appreciation of the time given to them to grow as individuals and as professionals.

Bob Tointon said in his farewell address to the University of Northern Colorado after his nine years as a UNC Trustee, “The road to success is always under construction.” We at the Tointon Institute for Educational Change embrace this concept and work hard to plan and develop professional development experiences for educators that allows participants in our academies to continue their personal constructions as they build their bridges to excellence.

Janet Alcorn

Contact Us

McKee Hall 125
Campus Box 106

Phone: 970-351-1108
Fax: 970-351-4093


Upcoming Events

To register, nominate a principal or learn more about an academy contact Janet Alcorn at janet.alcorn@volamdolong.com

Frank Cook, Ph.D.

From the UNC Magazine
Spring/Summer 2018 Issue

Impact: Leadership in Education

The Tointon Institute for Educational Change at UNC impacts classrooms and school districts across Colorado.

Our academies focus on what it means to be a leader, [and] about understanding people and relationships, and how leaders guide others to common goals

Janet Alcorn, Ed.D.

Continue Leadership in Education in the UNC Magazine.